| 1. | Enjoy a 6 - month validity period of referral letters for specialist s visits 享有长达6个月的专科医生转介信有效期 |
| 2. | The applicant must produce a referral letter from wo hop shek cemetery office 申请人必须提供和合石坟场组签发的有效文件 |
| 3. | A first step towards automating the process would be to automate sending the referral letter 自动化程序的第一步就是自动发送转诊信。 |
| 4. | The validity period of referral letter for specialist visits is extended to a maximum of 6 months 专科医生转介信的有效期大幅延长至6个月 |
| 5. | Currently referral letters are dictated for typing by secretarial staff and there can be a significant delay between the gp seeing the patient and the letter arriving in the appropriate consultant ' s in - tray 目前转诊信需由秘书人员打印才发出而在gp看诊患者和该信函达到合适的会诊医生的收件箱之间构成明显延误。 |
| 6. | The ha will continue to refine the triage system to ensure that patients with urgent medical conditions would be attended to in a timely manner . in particular , the ha will refine the prioritisation criteria to enhance the screening of referral letters by doctors (三)医管局会继续改善专科门诊诊所的分流制度,特别是改善新症排期的优次准则,藉以加强甄别医生转介信的工作,确保可适时处理病情紧急的病人。 |
| 7. | The ha will continue to refine the triage system , in particular the prioritization criteria to enhance the screening of referral letters by doctors . the ha will also facilitate the sharing and learning of triage experience , and will remind specialist doctors to provide holistic care to patients to minimize unnecessary referrals 医管局会继续完善专科门诊诊所的分流制度,特别是改善新症排期的优次准则,藉以加强甄别医生转介信的工作,并会促进分流经验的分享和学习,并提醒专科医生,为病人提供全人服务,减少不必要的转介。 |
| 8. | The ha has also devised a standard referral letter for doctors in public primary care and private practice to ensure the necessary information are available and relevant investigations are conducted before the referral . this will enhance more appropriate referral to specific specialties and more accurate triage 医管局亦拟备了一封标准的转介信,供公立基层医疗人员及私人执业医生采用,以确保专科门诊诊所在处理转介个案时需要的资料皆齐备,及在转介前已进行应作的检验,使专科门诊诊所可以更适切地安排病人到个别专科就诊及更准确地进行分流。 |